Goodbye Halloween

Hi.  Its been awhile.  I feel sometimes like no one reads these posts anyways (insert pitty party here), so if you do, leave a comment on what you thought.  I'm always looking for ideas for blog posts too.

I haven't written lately.  I know, I know, I intended to write at least weekly.  I'm not that far behind!  For some reason October has been a hard month for me and for the second half I just haven't been in the mood. In fact, I think its safe to say that October kicked my butt.  I'm also not a fan of Halloween, at all, so having that hanging over me all month didn't help.  I was really worried how our oldest would handle Halloween for the first time with us, and I have been struggling at home with the adjustments of motherhood.  Needless to say, now that Halloween is over, and we added more daycare days, I'm feeling less stressed and a bit better.

Stellar pumpkins, I know.  Look out Martha!

So. Halloween. Yeah.  I'm happy it's over, mainly because I'm a humongous Christmas fan!  I've already been reminded not to go crazy this year by hubby (pretty sure that reminder came in August). I hate being scared, hate skeletons, hate freaky looking masks, etc...that's a lot of hate.  But let's just say I was in the "fake it till you make it" club this October, because of the kiddos.  I don't think I did a great job faking it but I don't think they noticed that through all of their excitement.

I left costumes pretty much till the last minute.  I started making troll hats back in September thinking we could all go as trolls from the movie Trolls.  Didn't happen.  They are still sitting in the coffee table unfinished.  Didn't feel like it.  Face makeup Halloween night and at the weekend party before was followed up by "I want Elsa make up.  You can't do Elsa makeup?  That's ok mommy: you don't know how." as I'm frantically trying to do my oldest's face paint like Elsa and my youngest like a butterfly (yeah: she implied I sucked too).  I did my face paint and got my costume on in like 5 minutes (I was a cat).  Normally I'm a huge planner, so this was atypical behaviour for me. Oh, to top it all off our oldest threw up all the candy she ate at the party (our first throw up incident with kids), so...yeah.

Picture these candies thrown up 8 hours later.

But you know what?  They didn't care.  I've got some pretty adaptable, awesome kids.  They had a freaking blast!  And watching them on their first Halloween was the highlight of my Fall so far.  Maybe my lack of planning and trying to make everything and everyone fit into that tiny imaginary "box" was a good thing?  Even though October pretty much totally has sucked for me, I got to end it off on a high note because of my kids. Pretty awesome, eh?  My husband even got into the "spirit" a bit because of the kids, which was nice to see too.

But seriously, let's bring on the Holidays already! Where's the snow???!!!


  1. I always read and enjoy your post.. I think being a mom is the hardest job you can have and also it can be the most rewarding ,,, I know you'll keep doing an awesome job... just don't beat yourself up for what you should've and shouldn't have done the day before because none of us are perfect and not everyday is going to go the way we imagined in our head sometimes its just better....

    1. Thanks Bethany Jeff. That's nice to hear. Sometimes I feel like I totally suck at this mom thing so it's nice to hear I'm not alone! I'm still learning and it's been a steep learning curve for sure!


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