The Art of Crochet

I'm quite fond of crocheting.  I learned how to both crochet and knit when I was younger, in my preteen years, and neither stuck.  I remember being interested because I saw my mother knitting and my Nana taught me a bit, and also I picked up a bit from 4H and Guides.  But I never stuck with it.  I did, however, pick up cross sticking at about the same time for a number of years but I found the finished products so expensive to display that I gave it up.

Monster Pants
Bath Puff

Fast forward to New Years Eve 2014 (I think).  If you know us, you know we are NOT party people.  I'm an introvert through and through and that's not our scene (maybe I'll write something about introverts some day).  Recently my sister in law had learned how to knit and had shown me the website I went on, browsed around a bit, searched "cat" I think and BANG! there it was!  My first project that inspired me to pick up the needles (hook) again.  On that New Years Eve day we went into our local university town to a little shop called The Wool and Tart and I showed the woman working my inspiration: a pattern for a cat butt coaster!  Needless to say she acted like I was a completely normal person for wanting to make such a thing, clued me in that it was a crochet pattern, set me up with all the supplies, and started my first "magic ring" for me as I watched in awe thinking that I wasn't going to be able to handle this by the time I got home lol.  

A sad-looking Cat Butt coaster; my first project.

That evening we all sat together, my sister in law working on her knitting, and I worked on my new and first crochet pattern.  Getting stuck many times, I turned to YouTube to show me the different stitches and techniques needed.  By the end of the night I had my first cat butt coaster almost finished, and finished it on New Years Day.  I've been "hooked" even since!

Ok, so let's be clear.  I am no expert when it comes to crocheting: I learn something new every time I pick up my hook.  I also do not make my own patterns: power to those amazing people and thank god for the Internet so I can find and use those patterns for myself.  Finally, yeah, I'll make you something crocheted, but I'm not crazy about selling my work.  Like I said, I'm no expert, and prefer to make things for myself and close family as gifts only.  Here are a few of the items I've made over the last few years.

Marshmallow stitch baby blanket
Cardigan for my youngest
Baby photo prop

Seat cushions


I think the fibre arts in general are quickly becoming a lost art form.  I only know a few people that know how to knit, and even fewer that know how to crochet.  Is it because of our busy lifestyles?  The ease of just going to Walmart or the Dollar store and buying that item instead of making it? No one is passing it on to their children? I don't know.  I just find crocheting relaxing and an enjoyable past time.  I make time for it.  I find patterns that inspire and challenge me.  I guess I feel successful once I've completed a new project.  Hopefully I've inspired you to try it, or to take up a new hobby in your life too.

So, I think I might make this a series...what do you think?  Tips of the trade?  Things Ive learned?  A video tutorial?  Any ideas?


  1. I totally agree not enough people doing it anymore. I do know a small group of people who crochet and we get together from time to time, but when I tell others they laugh as if crocheting makes me old. I don’t care I’ve made some pretty cool stuff and I know the people I make things for tend to appreciate that it’s is home made :)

    1. Thanks @Babest. I'd love to learn more from people that know a lot but like you said, hard to find groups of people doing it our age. Keep sharing your projects with me!


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